Acupuncture and dry needling
Acupuncture and dry needling
Acupuncture and dry needling (dry needles) are often confused.
While acupuncture pierces meridians, treated energetically, in the case of dry needling trigger points which radiate pain in hardened muscles are pierced. The only commonality between the two treatments is that both employ needles.
In acupuncture, meridians, reflex points or acupuncture points are pricked as a purely energetic measure to solve energy blockages. The puncture of the needle injures the cells, which activates the body’s self-healing powers. Meridians are the channels through which the so-called life energy flows and acupuncture aims to restore the flawless flow of life energy.
In dry needling, on the other hand, one considers the muscle and anatomy structure and stimulates the myofascial trigger point and to provide fascia treatment against pain. The structure of the musculature is considered and the trigger point is treated as a hardened point in a tense musculature and tries to release it by applying pressure.
The puncture in the trigger point often produces a short, local twitching reaction, which, however, is perceived by many patients as a pleasant “pain” and relieving.
The oxygen supply of the tense muscle fibres and the fasciae is stimulated again and this lowers the inflammatory reaction, improves the blood circulation and thus relieves the tension permanently and sustainably.
Dry needling is used almost exclusively for the treatment of myofascial trigger points, while acupuncture is used in many areas, for example to treat breathing, digestive, urinary and reproductive problems, and as a therapy against smoking, stress and to promote weight loss.
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