Foot and gait analysis
The core of the foot and gait analysis at the Body Health Center is the visual documentation of the movement sequence when walking and the geometric measurement of the leg position when standing, walking and running.
It takes place on a special mat, on which digital footprints are taken and, with video support, the foot position, the foot statics, the foot shape and the foot line, and the running style and corresponding changes that lead to discomfort or reduced performance are visible. The wrong running style is a common cause of long-term orthopaedic complaints.
The foot and gait analysis supports the diagnosis of misalignments of the leg axis, foot misalignments, leg length differences and posture errors and enables the feet, Achilles tendons, knee joints and hips to be examined and treated holistically. Misalignments of the feet or knees can thus be recognized and treated at an early stage.
A video-supported running analysis on the force plate can therefore be used regeneratively as well as preventively.
Duration of the foot and gait analysis: approx. 20 minutes (measurement, analysis and diagnosis)
Spinal Mouse
We can trace a large number of diseases in the back to incorrect posture. The “Spinal Mouse” method determines how your back is doing. For this purpose, three tests are carried out using a radiation-free back scan in an upright, bent position and with outstretched arms under light load.
The spine is the backbone of our body and holds us upright.
The “Spinal Mouse” is guided by hand along the spine. The measuring head adapts to the contour of your back, and the data is sent wirelessly to the computer program for analysis. The measurement data then show the resilience of the spine and its muscles and are graphically displayed, interpreted, and explained by the therapist.
Based on the analysis, you will receive recommendations for stabilizing or improving your posture, building up muscles in a targeted manner, and improving your mobility.
Myovision spine scan
The Myovision device is a modern, computer-aided diagnostic device (developed by David Marcarian). It is possible to measure the surface tension of the muscles and determine whether the spine is functioning optimally.
With this method, nerve blocks are localized, with the results documented and controlled. The examination is painless and without radiation exposure and is therefore particularly suitable for children and pregnant women.
The Myovision Scan precisely measures and documents the skin resistance, and the muscle activity of the neck and back.
This temperature measurement takes place along the spine and helps the chiropractor recognize temperature differences in the body. These often appear in the areas that are particularly stressed, and critical points in the spinal column load and posture-related shifts can be recognized and treated.
Duration of Myovision scans: 20 min (measurement and evaluation)
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